As I found myself climbing INTO my kitchen sink this afternoon in an attempt to get a better shot of the curry and garam masala spices I am using in tonight's foray into Indian food, I realized I might really be getting into this whole take photos of my food thing. (fear not though, a picture of my morning oatmeal will never make it onto this blog. I combine mine with natural peanut butter, bananas, and a heaping scoop of Chocolate Amazing Meal, which means when it's mixed together it resembles a giant turd in a bowl. Um, no thank you)
My reaction to this week's flavor won't officially come until Sunday, but I wanted to let the cat out of the bag a little early and share some of the photos I took this morning. I had a lot of fun editing them with Picasa (I'm not ready to make the jump into Photoshop yet. Someday though) and want to digitally brush my shoulders off.
I have a deep down, hard core LOVE for black and white photography. You could take a picture of me when I first wake up after a night of binge-drinking, after not showering for a week and if you make it into a black and white photo, I'll probably find it "artistic" and "so real".
(I like this one in black and white especially because it makes the crack in our kitchen look purposeful and "European" instead of just like a stupid crack in our crappy kitchen tile)
(I am trying to work on focus for this one. I want to learn how to take shots where the image in front is in focus and the background is blurry. I'm getting there slowly)
Right now, I'm just playing with color saturation and contrasting. I am hoping as the weeks progress I can delve a little deeper into it and work on angles and lighting when I take the pictures. If you have any valuable tips, books, or guides for an extremely amateur photographer, I'd love to hear 'em. (and I mean really amateur. As in, picture books are preferred. No big words or scary sounding vocabulary)
In unrelated news, I want to give a quick thank you to Sarah from Skinny Runner and Liz from Blog is the New Black for allowing me to be featured on their amazing blogs this past week. If you're a new reader from either of those sites, welcome to QQ! Hope you'll stick around for a while. I swear I'm not as alcoholic, chocoholic, or whiny as it may seem. (Okay maybe I am, but it's all part of my charm I promise)