We are t-minus 2 weeks until London!!! Since I am gainfully
UNemployed at the moment, I took advantage of the labor day weekend and went up to NH. I was very productive while I was up there. Remember how
I love to-do lists? I crossed so many items off my list this past weekend, it was like...um...well...okay so I can't come up with a sly or clever analogy of what it was like, let's just say I accomplished a lot.

I reenacted The River Wild (or is it The River Runs Through It? one of those whitewater river movies)

I baked a double batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. with real butter. full fat. full deliciousness.

I proceeded to eat about 15 of them (I told you, I was
very productive)

I made baked brie with black raspberry jam for our cookout

I washed down said baked brie with lots of beer. while simultaneously doing the Tomahawk Chop cheering on Florida State. Multitasking at its finest ladies and gents.

I taught my future niece how to walk. (just kidding. Teaching her how to shop and avoid white after Labor Day is far more important)

I soaked in the last of summer's goodness.

I took about 10 years off my maturity level. It's good for the skin.

I printed, stuffed, and mailed my Save the Dates! 125 people invited, roughly 70 envelopes individually hand fed through my printer. labor of love for sure. (see what I did there? that little play on words? it's a labor of love, since it's for my wedding, and I love Sean. *cough cough* I'm a quick one.)
(source) No. We didn't get married this weekend. I wish. This fabulous photo is courtesy of Mr. Michael Moss. We booked our photographer and I fell in love with his photography instantly. We are currently trying to finagle a way to get him to London for our engagement photo shoot. gah. It'd be to die for. Our decision to hire him went something like this:
Email #1 to Sean:
OMG omg omg, I freaking love this photographer so much. He's awesome and amazing and you will love all his photos, take a look and let me know. I think we should hire him, like right now. Okay love you bye.
Email #2:
Crap. I got so excited I never actually told you his name. Here you go...http://www.michaelmoss.com/and my last bout of productivity? I created a rainbow

okay, no I didn't. But I did take a picture of it with my Blackberry. from the highway. It certainly won't win any photography awards, but I have to just tell you, it was amazing sight. The rainbow literally came out of the mountain and it was beautiful. It was one of those moments that just makes you stop and take in the beauty of God and nature and everything around you. It was exactly what I needed in this time of complete chaos and stress. Funny how that happens isn't it?
Gosh, just writing this post made me tired. Writing about productivity is the most productive I've been today. ha...wrap your brain around that irony.
I must say, that's a pretty damn good picture seeing that it was taken on a phone! :) Very beautiful. ~Tara
Tell me about those envelopes. What color and from where?
Tiffany Blue from Paperandmore.com- they were super cheap! like $17 for 100
That brie looks amazing. Fave food ever!!!
The brie and chocolate chips look amazing and now I am super hungry!!
Can't wait to see the STD's!!!!
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