Most of all, I am scared.
Beneath all of my decisions about London, fear has been the current, guiding me with its ebbs and flows. Sometimes it's so great it overtakes me and paralyzes me (usually around 2 am when the noise of daily life quiets down and my own thoughts are screaming). Other times, it's more subtle and casual, gentling greeting me like an old friend. Fear motivates and moves us, sometimes without us even realizing it. I was afraid I'd be stuck in a job I didn't like just because I happened to be good at it. I feared I'd look back on my life and realize I did too much sitting on the sidelines and not enough jumping into the game. I feared that by always taking the safe road, I wasn't on a journey towards becoming the best version of myself, that I was missing out on who I could be. Fear. It is a strange and mysterious thing.
but I am so thankful for it.
In 4 days, I will be making the 8 hour flight from Boston, MA to London, UK and it's going to be a dousy. As I cross over the Atlantic Ocean, I will be quietly ending one chapter of my life and begin writing the next. I know there will be tears and frustrations. I am sure I will get lost at least a million times in my new city and I'll never learn to like bangers and mash...but it will be an adventure. It is going to shape me and mold me in ways I never thought possible. I am going to meet new people who each have a tale to tell and a lesson to teach me, I will have the opportunity to visit some of the most beautiful places this Earth has to offer, I will soak in new cultures and the nuances and niceties that come along with it and I get to do it all with my best friend.

Last night was our going away party and it was only the beginning in a string of goodbyes this week, but it marked a turning point for me. I woke up yesterday morning with a knot in my stomach, saying goodbye is always so bittersweet and I was somewhat dreading my own going away dinner. Yet, as we gathered around the dinner table with 25 of our closest friends and family, I couldn't help but be happy. The outpouring of love and support is exactly how I want our adventure to begin. Thank you so much to everyone for the cards, comments and well wishes. I'll be sure to be thinking of you when I'm having tea and crumpets with the Queen.

All I have are tears now!
So happy I was able to share in your goodbye dinner. You are such a great writer Marie, yes I'm jealous of you two as well, but facing your fear is wonderful, congrats to you! I'm sure its fear that keeps me here in Mass, someday I hope I can face that fear as you are! You are a very smart girl, I'm sure you will do well in the masters program, plus you will be with your best friend, so I hope once you are there, your fear is gone quickly. Have a blast, and see you in December!
It IS scary, you're right! There's no shame in being scared - you're undertaking a huge adventure and with that comes really big and sometimes overwhelming challenges and changes. But just know the other people have done what you're doing and they've survived it - that always comforts me when I have those 2am moments!
Hey!! I just found your blog and I love it! I saw your comment on Tina's blog saying that you were going to London so I wanted to check out your blog. I would love to go to London some day. I've been talking about it in the past few posts on my blog, hehe :) I'm actually thinking about studying abroad there this coming summer and also moving there for a year or so after college! What are you moving there for?
Annie- I'm so glad you came out with us! It was great! My head didn't feel so great this morning though ;)
Betsy- Thanks! I love reading your blogs and all theones you have on your blog roll, gives me that extra confidence boost!
Sweetsandveggies- Thanks for finding me!!! I love getting a new reader! :) I will have to check out yours too!
Hey Marie! I found your blog from Tina's as well - I am an American living in London, and irony of ironies, I will be moving to Boston in about a year or two (it's complicated) - but I am here now. Whereabouts in London will you be located? Hope the move goes well - good luck!
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