Wednesday, June 16

When one door closes...

...another one opens.

This is a difficult post for me to write because it is hard to articulate my feelings on the subject, so bear with me as I tend to rant and overdramatize at times (me? neeeever!)

Today marks the end of many things: the school year, my teaching job, my security. I have decided not to continue teaching anymore and will be pursuing my Master's Degree in Publishing and Creative Writing instead. Goodbye paychecks, goodbye dental insurance, goodbye 9 to 5 (well technically 7 to 3, but you get the idea).

Many people have questioned my decision to leave education. Teaching was something I always thought I wanted to do. I have a lot of respect for the profession and the people who dedicate their lives to it. However, I am not one of them. Over the past few years, I've watched as my coworkers come in early and stay late into the afternoons. They take work home with them, teaching makes them feel alive. For me, the past two years, teaching has made me feel....tired. and bored. and that is a hard thing to admit. Too often this year, I found myself eagerly standing by the door way waiting for the bell to ring so I could go home. I spent too much time gchatting and internet surfing, and not enough time teaching. another hard thing to admit.

Teaching is a privilege. Nothing angers me more than people who say "ohhh I don't know, I guess I'll just teach". It is not something you "just" do. You have to enjoy it, be passionate and dedicated to it...because if not, it is the students who suffer. It is out of respect for this profession that I'm leaving. I'm not giving students what they deserve because I don't have the passion and drive for it. They need someone willing to come in early and stay late and go the extra mile for them. and that just isn't me.

It has been a humbling and scary road coming to this resolution. It is one that many do not understand and some do not necessarily support. But that is okay...because I know, for me, it is the right decision. Am I nervous for what the future holds? of course! But that doesn't mean I'm not just a teensy bit excited too....

As the saying goes...When one door closes, another opens...

and if it won't open? Well I'm a stubborn Irish broad who will just break it down ;)


Preppy in Polka Dots said...

ohhhhh it will open!!! You will be so happy once you finally start your new chapter and find your passion!

Preppy in Polka Dots said...
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Becca said...

Congrats on making the decision for YOU! Thats all that matters! The decision was made for me...but I've never been happier, it wasn't my passion either and can't wait for what lies ahead! We're still in our 20's...we're not supposed to have our s%*t together yet! You are a great writer and can't wait to read your upcoming adventures!!!! K<3

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