Sorry I've been M.I.A. lately! I bet you thought I was going to pull the ole' disappearing act didn't you?
you did?! geeesh. Have a little faith. I'm in it to win it this time around....
so big things happening in Marie-land. I wanted to wait to announce it until all the appropriate authorities had been notified (aka the parents)
drum roll puhhhlease........
Sean and I are moving to London!!!!!!!!!!!

(However, when we actually go I will arrive via airplane. Photo purely for dramatic effect)
I could wax on about what a difficult decision this was for me to make, but let's be honest. Live in Europe for a year? Ummm yes please! Deciding to do this was perhaps one of the easiest decisions I've ever made for one simple reason: it felt right. No second guesses, no what-ifs...just sign me up!
After the that damn Eukadfj@*$^!!!! volcano ruined my vacation to Ireland and Paris, I realized my chances of getting to travel abroad were rapidly decreasing. As my $40,000 grad school tuition was staring me in the face with my dying car gasping its last breath on my back, I was feeling unhappy, stressed and just plain lost. I've secretly always had wanderlust, I transferred colleges, I've moved every year since college, I rearrange my furniture all the time (does that count?) but I've always stifled that voice inside myself for safer, more reasonable options.
But something inside me shifted and the more research I did on it, the more this move made sense. Sean has his Master's in International Business, we both love to travel, grad school is a fraction of the cost, what was stopping us? Too often in life, people weigh themselves down with their fears and anxieties. Uncertainty and fear of risk-taking are heavy things, they bare down on us, get into our brains and convince us that the feelings in our guts aren't the right thing to follow. How many of us have avoided the road less traveled for a safer paved, 3 lane highway? A quote I love says:
Successful people replace I could, I would, I'll try with I WILL
Is this a huge risk? Certainly. But is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY. It all sounds so and Made for TV specialish (but c'mon who didn't love those), but it is true. For the first time in a longggg time, I am excited about what's to come. The possibilities are endless. I feel like the world is at my fingertips and my life is ripe for the picking and I haven't felt this way since...since...since I don't remember when. and that is the saddest part of it. We all deserve to feel that way in whatever we do.
So here I am: grabbing the bull by the horns, taking life by storm, shooting for the stars, you know, all those fabulous inspirational sayings. I'm doing them all. at the same time. while also trying to figure out how to pack my entire wardrobe into only a couple suitcases.

Well, I can fit into my I guess that means all my clothes can too.
crap, but what about shoes? eek! Good thing I have until September to figure it out!
* side note: I apologize for the overwhelming amount of cliches, metaphors, idioms, and other overused sayings sprinkled through this post. After rereading it (yes I reread my own 2938120938123 times. Remember that teensy little post when I mentioned how neurotic I am?), I caught them all. There are A LOT. Let's play a game. How many can you find? I spot at least 5. woops.
dont worry cuz the only thing you have to worry about in london is good out for pickle and cheese sandwiches....grosss....
-your cuzin ian
I like this Sean kid. Reason 1. You'll be in London with him when I come at Thanksgiving. Reason 2. I'm assuming he took these ridiculous photos of you.
Yeah Marie!!!!!!!!!
I am very proud of you. I am sure you (we) are going to have an amazing year because 1. you have such a great attitude, you will find the joy and satisfaction and appreciate the adventure of living abroad. 2. you are going to gaining your masters and will be happy to be a student again... Here's to new beginnings!
Oh keeps getting realler and realler! First your parents and now the blog. Goodness, now I really need to start planning my trip to one of my favorite cities!! You are going to love and have such an amazing time.
And of course, being the good friend that I am--whatever doesn't fit in your suitcase I can watch for you--I am thinking of some cute shoes, a few choice bags...really anything :)
Love you!!!
How Great Marie!! I'm excited for you and glad that you ARE taking that road less traveled. It will be so GREAT! Good luck and Safe Travels.. I may see you in your travels!! hehe.. heading to Italy and Albania in Sept. detouring in London I believe!! :) Best wishes!
Good job Marie. Looking forward to hooking up with you guys in London town. Awesome.
Don't forget that you will need to set aside time for a Mom visit. I will miss you both.
Just wanted to say I really love your blog and the way it explores that weird gap time between college and "real" adulthood!
Keep it up!
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