Happy happy Birthday to the man who....
is always up for a new adventure
makes me laugh even when I'm so angry I want to scream
never gets annoyed that I spend 8394022804 hours on the Internet
knows how to enjoy the best things in life
is my copilot on this crazy journey

never takes himself too seriously
taught me how to drink a Guinness properly
can beat girls and 12 year olds at cornhole
has the biggest heart of anyone I know
and will conquer the world someday, I'm sure of it
To the my official race photographer, Team Grefans coach, cooking partner, blog editor, fellow beer drinker, biggest supporter, and the man who makes me the happiest I've ever been...(cue barfing and gagging from audience now)
HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY SEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Thank you for turning 29 first. By comparison, being 26 isn't so shabby after all ;) (I'm kidding I'm kidding. I cannot wait to be as old and wise as you dear Sean)
Thank you dear!
Awww how cute.
Happy Birthday Sean.
great stare-down picture with the baby.
So CUTE!! Have a great day, Sean!
a) you guys are the sweetest
b) i think i really like the top you're wearing in the copilot photos
c) cornhole is HARD dammit!
d) happy birthday sean!
<3 so cute! Have a fun celebration!!
This just makes me really excited to meet BOTH of you in London. I think we're really going to have a fun time. A fun fun time. Happy birthday Sean - one day late.
Leg as an air guitar FTW!!!
haha. I keep saying my next birthday (29) is my last. Honestly, though, and maybe this is because I'm getting older, and hubby is already in his 30s, but 30 doesn't sounds so old now. Maybe that means I'm getting old! Bah!
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