Do not, under any circumstances, follow my lead that a diet consisting of chocolate and alcohol is good for you, because guess what? It's not.
If you act like me, you will end up with a fever, a bitchin' sinus infection, and a generally cranky disposition resulting in you having to use the adorable Halloween napkins your mother sent you from all the way across the Atlantic Ocean as tissues because you are too lazy/tired/sick/whiney to either go to the store for a box of Kleenex or down to the bathroom for a roll of toilet paper. (Is this TMI? Did I just cross a line? I might have)
and just in case that didn't scare you off...remember those ads on TV that used to say "this is your brain on drugs" and they'd either show an egg in a frying pan or some messed up lady with crack teeth? Well...
this is your blogger on cold medicine, 3 cups of tea and a stack of Halloween napkins

be afraid, be very afraid.
Let this be a warning to you...just because there are 21 year olds in your Master's program, doesn't mean you get to act like one. 26 is not the new 21.
Blasphemy: "Do not, under any circumstances, follow my lead that a diet consisting of chocolate and alcohol is good for you, because guess what? It's not." Absolute blasphemy. FEEL BETTER!!!!!
Girl, get well soon!
A diet of candy corn and red wine definitely lead me down the wrong path last weekend.
Those are really cute napkins and it's a shame you have to the use them to blow your nose, but desperate times, you know, call for desperate measures. Feel better!
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