It was a warm, summer evening in Boston and people were happily going about their business when suddenly a loud, high pitched shriek could be heard ringing through the city streets....Ladies and Gentlemen....
this little lady just got ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Let us just take a minute to absolutely freak out, blog style, shall we?!
whew. okay. now that's taken care of time to get down to business.
I was absolutely, completely shocked by the engagement, which is a pretty amazing feat in itself. Considering what a nosy, control freak I am, I'm surprised I haven't proposed to myself already. Sean and I have talked about getting married and I had an inkling it was coming this summer, but I had no idea it would be this past weekend.

It all started a while ago. Sean has been scheming and planning for several months and picked out the stone and created the setting by himself. From there, he consulted with the two key governing bodies in my life: the father and the best friend. Once he got their official stamps of approval, the ball was officially set in motion. On Friday, I had the day off and Sean had to go into work early (so I thought). I later found out he went into the city to meet with the jeweler and pick up the ring. It wasn't ready yet, but they so kindly brought it over to Sean's work later in the afternoon. Meanwhile, I was out to see a movie (Twilight. so good. gah I'm still a 12 year old girl at heart. but that's another post.) and grabbed dinner/drinks with Kym.
Sean and I had planned earlier in the day to meet after the movie for a cocktail so I wasn't surprised when he met up with Kym and I. He was totally not himself. He kept looking around and couldn't hold a conversation with either one of us (he asked Kym the same question three times in a row god bless his heart-
so how old IS Billy Joel? ). Afterwards, he asked if I wanted to go grab a drink over by the waterfront since it was so nice out, I said sure and away we went.
In the North End section of Boston, there is this little park that is bordered by the city skyline to the right and the Boston Harbor to your left and it has the most beautiful archway to walk through.

It has always been my favorite spot in Boston and Sean and I have had some very special moments there and Sean says he knew all along it'd be the perfect place to propose. As we were walking through, Sean stopped me and said "remember when we took those pictures our first night out here? We were right in this spot..." to which I replied "No we weren't. You're wrong, we were up there at the next part" (hahaha oh man. are you sure you want to marry me dear?) So we walked up a little ways and Sean started saying some incredibly romantic things and I was still completely oblivious. I thought he was just being extra sweet. It went a little something like this:
Sean gets down on one knee as he is speaking and pulls ring out of his pocket.
Hyperventilating, shaking, cryingMe again: YES! YES! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we hug. we kiss. I look down at the ring for the first time..
Me: OOOOOOH. MY. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(please note- portions of tonight's presentation not affecting the outcome have been edited for both time and content- hey a girl's gotta keep somethings private, alright?) After that, it was time to celebrate! Sean broke out the bubbly and we toasted to our new engagement right there in the park. It was absolutely amazing. Without getting too emotionally vomit inducing, it was exactly what I wanted and it was perfect for us. I could not have asked for a better proposal or a better man!

It was the best way to kick off our whirlwind 4th of July weekend. Saturday we had a cookout with Sean's family, followed by dinner and celebratory drinks with friends of mine from college, and then another cookout on the 4th with my family, followed by fireworks on the boat with Sean's best friend's family. Monday morning my parents came to town and we saw them followed by Sean and I slipping into an exhaustion based coma. But don't you worry, amidst all the craziness of the weekend, I DID manage to sneak out to a bookstore and grab some wedding magazines!
(On Friday, July 2nd a bridezilla was born...they'll look back on this day and say "but she was always such a sweet girl" I'm kidding. I'm kidding. maybe.)
You see, I am a traditional gal at heart. I may live in sin, swear like a trucker, and love swindling tequila but inside there is an Audrey Hepburn-esque 50's gal who is keen on her beau. I've always loved weddings but told myself I'd never look or buy any wedding stuff until I was engaged. I told Sean there are 2 things I couldn't wait for once we were getting married (besides the obvious I love you, going to spend the rest of my life with you, you're my soulmate stuff of course) and that would be buying wedding magazines and registering for a Kitchen Aid Mixer. WOOOO-HOOOOO.

Oh sweet sweet Kitchen Aid Mixer. I cannot wait to mix things in you. You and I are going to be best friends. I've already spoken with the Garmin and he's okay with this arrangement because he knows that the relationships are all intertwined. The more I hang out with you, mixing delicious goodness, the more I'll rely on him to whip my chocolate cheesecake ass into shape. I think you, me, Garmin, and Sean will all have a very happy life together.
Speaking of gifts, we got our first official gift as a newly engaged couple from Sean's best friend and his girlfriend:

they know us so well. I'm pretty sure I saw a tear of joy slowly make it way down Sean's cheek when he opened it.
and because once just isn't enough with a ring this stunning....

Sean took out an insurance policy on the ring in case something were to happen to it. He probably should go ahead and take out one on me as well. It is highly likely I am going to injure myself or someone else one of these days when I am out and about because I'll be too busy staring at my ring to notice what I'm doing. true story. kinda ashamed to admit it. but there it is.