Well I am the girl who cried blog. I'm so sorry Mom and Dad. You see, I had a blog before and I wrote sporadically at best...and I told many people I would write faithfully. and I didn't. and for that, I am sorry.
But this time, my friends, this time it is different. I am starting anew. New blog, new look (thanks to my lovely and amazing friend Rachel at RV Designs), and a new challenge for myself.
This is me:

My New Year's Resolution this year was to stop talking about doing things and ACTUALLY do them, so it's time for me to put my money where my mouth is and I've enlisted the help of my blog to keep me honest.
I'm going to use Quarterlife Quandary as a means of holding myself accountable and keeping track of my journey to talk less and "do" more (although, its a bit ironic if you think about it, because I'll be "talking" on here about all the things I'm "doing", won't I?)
There are quite a few things on the agenda for 2010 that I hope to accomplish and document along the way:
1. This blog. I've invested in this. It's real this time. Plus, look at how amazing the fonts in my title, tag line and side bar are? How could I NOT come back and repeatedly post? More importantly, how could YOU not come back and repeatedly read and comment with fonts as spectacular as these ones?
2. Running. I've ALWAYS wanted to be a runner and while I haven't fallen in love with it yet, I can say that we are happily dating. My end goal is to run a marathon so I'm using this blog to mark the milestones in my relationship with running. I think it'll also help me get off the couch on those days when I'd rather watch re-runs of Real Housewives of the OC than get my miles in.
3. Photography. I'm the co-parent of this sweet little number and while it's in my custody, I want to be sure I'm getting full use out of it.

Plus, on those days when I have absolutely nothing of value or interest to write about, I can post fun pictures!
so here goes nothing.... Merriam-Webster says a quandary is defined as a state of complexity or uncertainty. Well, life is certainly full of unexpected surprises, complex happenings, and question marks, but isn't that what makes it all so exciting?
Well I am very impressed and hopefully your blogging will motivate me to blog and hell maybe your relationship with running will force me to get over my hatred for it (don't count on that last one tho!)
Anyway, so excited you are back blogging!!
Your number one fan :)
you are the FIRST person I thought of when I posted this. AND I tweeted, or twittered. you should be SO impressed
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