oooo guurrrrl, work it.
I was desperately in need of a haircut. I've been putting it off for weeks now because of how ridiculously expensive hair appointments can run in Boston. I'm a relatively low maintenance girl when it comes to my hair (confession: I can go up to 3 days without washing it) so I don't like to pay a lot for it. Nonetheless, I made an appointment for this great salon on Newbury Street. My hairdresser's first availability wasn't for two weeks and a haircut and blowdry would've easily cost me over $100, but it was deemed necessary so I was ready to chalk it up to the beauty gods and deal with it.
Until today.
I am up in good ole' New Hampshire visiting Mommy and Daddy Dearest for a few days and decided enough is enough; I was either going to get my hair cut while I was up here or pull out the weedwhacker, cross my fingers and hope for the best. I called the only hair salon in town (please note: when I say New Hampshire, I mean UP in New Hampshire...as in, pull out your flannel and your tractor and get ready for some down home fun part of New Hampshire) and surprise!!! they had an open appointment for me immediately.
Now I may be low maintenance but I am not a complete degenerate. I'm still a girl after all...so I was a bit nervous going into the salon but I was ready for whatever Jungle Jane of New Hampshire had to throw at me.
My appointment was at 3:30. Guess what time I was finished? Go ahead, just guess...4:00! and the results? Amazing!!! I love it. I got almost 3 inches chopped off, freshened up the layers and she fixed the butcher job I did on my bangs. (I have this sneaky little habit of taking the kitchen scissors to my hair and "trimming" my own bangs in particular fits of frustration on bad hair days- no bueno)
but you know what was TRULY the best part of it all? The total cost of my hair appointment?
I'm going to scroll down a bit for dramatic effect here because it's just that amazing....
$25!!!!!!! TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. VEINTE y CINCO PESOS. 100 quarters. 2,500 pennies. Including tip!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, c'mon, seriously? I wanted to hug her. Heck, I wanted to make out with her for that price. I was so overcome with emotion for this woman I practically skipped out of the hair salon. Now, don't get too excited. I am sharing this information with you purely for bragging purposes. I will not divulge the name of the girl I went to nor where the salon actually is for fear of ruining this sweet lil setup I got going for me. Before you know it, they'll be lines up cars up 93N and this salon will get wind of what's happening, realize it's not 1993, and jack their prices back up to normal standards. It just goes to show you, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Here I was, being snobby Sally, assuming Boston was superior and I got a totally fantastic haircut up here for a fraction of the cost. Lesson learned, my friends, lesson learned.
Please feel free to revel in the beauty of my new 'do.

Hey! Hey everyone! Come see how good I look!

Beware: Blogger in mirror is not as conceited and vain as may appear.