1. I made risotto (and other tasty things)

Risotto is a feisty bitch. It can be high-maintenance, aggressive, obsessive compulsive, and just a little bit needy. Basically its me, but in food form. I learned to make it for the first time in February and have been obsessed ever since. My favorite version is sausage and ramp risotto from Epicurious. (Really though, gimme any form of pasta with loads of parmesan cheese and I'm not going to complain)
2. I bought my first pair of shorts.

This is a big freaking deal, folks. I have never been a fan of shorts, I always felt so incredibly self-conscious in them. I never dreamed I'd ever go for a run, let alone in a pair of shorts. But after my first 5k in March, my confidence began to grow. With every run I took that spring, I felt myself becoming more comfortable with my body. By the time I was training for my half marathon in May, I was straight up hot. (as in sweaty. not as in supermodel) I knew I'd have to make amends with my disdain for shorts or else be the crazy lady passed out from heat stroke on the sidewalk. Now, I'm so into this whole shorts thing, I even bought another pair yesterday. in December. after a blizzard. Wordtoyomotha.
3. I blogged. and people actually read it! (This one still surprises me sometimes)
Quarterlife Quandary began as last year's resolution. A couple years ago I wrote a blog called Polos and Pearls, but never stuck with it.

After some loving nagging from my friends, I decided to jump back into the blog world. Over the past year, I've had some great opportunities through the blog. My post on British vocabulary was featured on Boston.com which swelled my ego to "epic" proportions. For that fleeting weekend, I could hardly carry on civil conversation with people, I was so obsessed with my stats and # of visitors. (Reality certainly hit hard that Monday morning when it went back to normal) More recently, I've been honored with the chance to be a contributing member of Hollaback Health. Not going to lie, being a Hollaback Health girl is more exciting than grad school, sorority rush, and happy hour combined...plus I get to sing Gwen Stefani every time I get an email from one of them.
4. I was the Maid of Honor for my best friend's wedding.

Being an only child, I figured my chances of being someone's maid of honor were slim. Lucky for me, God brought me a sister in the form of my best friend. Roommates in college and friends over the past 8 years, standing beside Laura on her big day was one of the highlights of my year. I am so excited she'll be there for me as my Maid of Honor in 2011.
5. Let's just keep the wedding ball rolling, with my own engagement

One of the hidden rules of blogging is not to brag about what you have, the same goes for gushing about who your with...no one wants to hear how wonderful and amazing your relationship is. Now, I could tell you the top moment of 2010 came the first time Sean farted in front of me or the first chance I got to do his laundry because these are the more realistic aspects of being in a long term relationship, but screw that. It's my blog. I want to profess my love for this man. I love him and I can't wait to marry him and put up with his farts for the rest of my life.
6. I almost murdered Mother Nature

When the volcano in Iceland ruined my birthday and the chance to go to Trinity Ball in Ireland, I was irate. When my second flight was cancelled because of that same damn volcano and I lost all chance of going anywhere on my vacation, I was ready for revenge. I took all my sound and fury out on the local businesses of Boston and had a shopping spree worthy of Dr. Phil levels of therapy.
7. First trip abroad, followed by a move to Europe!

Apparently my vacation to Ireland and Italy wasn't enough time spent abroad for me, so Sean and I decided to spend some more time there. Although, as I've said before, our decision to move to London hasn't been an easy one and we're not really happy there, I still consider it one of the top moments of the year. In fact, it's one of the top moments of my life so far. Making a decision like that is balls to the wall scary, but I did it and I know after this I'll be a stronger person as a result. I'll just be a stronger person without any furniture, a car, a job, or life savings. pshhhh minor details.
8. I quit my job

This was, by far, the scariest thing I've ever done. I still have dreams about the students I left behind, I still get emails from those same former students, and I still worry sometimes that I was an idiot to throw away the safety and security that accompanied those weekly paychecks...but that's all part of risk taking. I have faith that 2011 will bring a new job my way that further bolsters my belief I made the right decision to leave teaching.
9. I signed up for a marathon. in Barcelona, Spain.
Hey, go big or go home right? So the people will be cheering for me in a different language, that's okay. Lucky for me, sangria and tequila are the same in every language. Mas cerveza, por favor! Ole!
10. I fell in love. with myself.

2010 has been a crazy year. I had a psycho roommate and a psycho ex boyfriend who repeatedly made appearances in my life, I had 2 car accidents, and a sprained ankle. I cried A LOT. but I also laughed a lot. and smiled alot. and learned a lot. I've pushed myself and showed myself I'm capable of so much more than I ever thought possible. I've learned to stop hating the person I see in the mirror. She's pretty awesome, even if her thighs will never be like Marissa Miller's.
I cannot wait for all the things 2011 will bring: a wedding in September, a move back to the United States, and Britney Spears new album....
bring. it. on.